Sunday, October 6, 2019

A few thoughts

Dear Oliver,

A few thoughts and some observations these past few months:
  • You were eating lunch by yourself one day and I observed you fold your arms, bow your head and whisper a prayer out loud. You could have skipped the prayer but you didn't. You seem to have a testimony of prayer, which is a beautiful thing and it will serve you well in your life. I can testify to you that prayer is a gift from our Heavenly Father to communicate with him. It can be powerful but even when it seems habitual without power, it keeps us moving in the right direction and keeps the lines of communication open with our Father.
  • A couple of months ago you told me, "Mom, I love you as a mom. I'm not just saying that to be kind. I'm saying it because it's true." This meant a lot to me. I love you too, Oliver. You are one the best things that has ever happened to me.
  • You started 4th grade on August 1st! And to your surprise and excitement, when we went to meet the teacher night, you discovered Michaela is in your class and assigned to sit right next to you. 
  • Recently you asked your friend Elijah, "Am I a good friend?" "Yeah," he replied. "Am I kind?" you asked. "Yeah," he replied again. I love that you're thinking about what kind of friend you are. 
  • The twins sometimes get into your room and dump out your legos. You get so frustrated with them, understandably. I think sometimes you wish you didn't have siblings. I remind you that Heavenly Father gave us families so we can learn and become who He wants us to be.
  • We sometimes pull a question out of a small box to answer while we eat dinner. Eleanor picked one that asked, "Who is your hero?" She said, "Oliver because he's nice."
  • I want to share some thoughts I've had recently about trials, as I've been experiencing some lately: Trials teach us so much. We become better versions of ourselves when we go through them with full purpose of heart, intent and humility. Trials hold a sacred space, as does repentance. The atonement is meaningful in both. Experiencing trials allows for a consecrated time of learning and growth. Trials keep our priorities in order.
  • When Dad gave you a blessing at the start of the new school year, he blessed you to "Be like the sun, bringing light to others."
  • Dad and I went to CA for a few days for a leadership seminar and you guys stayed with Sarah and Steven Chaston. You weren't very excited about it and I think you missed us a lot. Sometimes being away from each other helps us realize how much we appreciate each other.

I love you Bud.
Love, Mom

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